Roxanne winood over the "those little details" and Jack hurriedly amended, "and besides, I can't see so well with this darned mask over my face."

"You can see well enough to drive," Roxanne observed, "and will probably see well enough to single out that Lawrence girl for a few dances," she added mentally, to herself.

"Jack stretched one arm lazily along the top of the soat around Roxanne's shoulders.



"Is she going to be at the masquerade tonight?"


"You know who. Donna Lawrence."

"I suppose so. It doesn't make much difference. Wo '11 all be masked until midnight.


"But you know what costume she's wearing, don't you?" It was a statement more than a question.

Jack grimaced with annoyance. "Look here, Roxanne. I'm sick of your prying into my affairs and I'm not going to give you any satisfactory answer. If I told you I knew what costume she's wearing, you'd watch me like a hawk all evening and ke op track of how many dances I had with her. As it is, you'll just have to watch me dancing with a good many different partners and figure it out for yourself. I suppose at any rate you'll work yourself up into one of your jealous rages."

Roxanne didn't bother to answer, lapsed into a stony silence, and nervously began to twist the diamond engagement ring on her finger.

Jack jammed on the brakes just in time for a stop signal. He half turned toward his blonde companion and spoke with an unmistakeable note of condescension in his voice.